Boobin' All Day, Boobin' All Night: A Gentle Approach to Sleep for Breastfeeding Families

Breastfeeding  [ Browse Items ]
Publication Year
The Milk Meg, Australia 
Part memoir, part sharing of women's stories, part research, part boobin'...
In this boobin' book, Meg includes...
- Why Breastfed children wake frequently and why it is so important to answer their cries
- How to get more sleep and feel more rested without doing cry-it-out or sleep training techniques
- The results from her survey on night-waking in breastfed children and the percentage of women who continue to wake to breastfeed
- How to combine routines or rituals with breastfeeding on demand
- Why it is not a bad habit to breastfed your little one to sleep
- How to find your inner marsupial and have a happier, more content baby
- What to do when you are feeling overwhelmed and exhausted
- Safe co-sleeping and bedsharing guidelines, along with different sleeping arrangements you can try for your family
- How to bedshare or co-sleep while tandem feeding (breastfeeding two children at the same time)
- What to do when your breastfed child hates to sleep!
- The secrets to getting your baby to take longer naps... without being attached to the boob
- Gentle night-weaning tips and suggestions
- What gut health has to do with breastfeeding and night waking
...and more. 
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